miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Challenge time!

Now, it’s time for a…


Look around in your garden or balconies and see if you can find a turtle, a lizard and a frog. When you find them, take a picture. You have until Friday in the afternoon to find these animals and send the pictures by email.
If you can’t find them, don’t worry. There will be more challenges in the following days.

If you have any questions, please write a comment. Have a nice day!!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Miss Dany! te enviamos la foto de la ranita que vive en nuestra galería y también de la Mantis religiosa que anda por nuestras ventanas.
    te extraño mucho. Simi.

  2. miss dany este sapo esta siempre en mi jardin. santi

  3. Hello kids! I received your emails. I miss you!
