jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

Tuesday, October 15th


Good Morning Kids!

Today we’re going to create an Ladybug Painted Rocks✨✨


  • Patio Paint (Pintura Acrílica) Yellow, Green,

Purple, Fuchsia, Salmon, Blue and Black) 
  • Smooth Rock preferably i round shape.

  • Paintbrush. 

How to make the Ladybugs Painted Rocks: 

  1. Start painting the rocks with Patio Paint (Acrilico) 

  2. Then use Black Paint to add the head of the ladybug. 

  1. Use the tip paintbrush to make the smaller dots.

  1. Finally use a bigger tip of a paintbrush to make eyes with white paint.

Once you finish you Ladybug Painted Rock send me some

pictures to my email: tduarte@northfield.edu.ar


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